Friday, July 31, 2009

I Love Ketto's

Hello everyone! It seems my one fan, and its not my Mom, is missing me. "You know who you are". Mom's are always our best fans, and mine is no exception. When I started this blog to sell my cards, within minutes she emailed me details about a course on How to start you own business. She had no doubt in her mind that I would become the next Hallmark. She is a great Mom and I love her dearly.

I actually had these cards done the same day as the Owl, just took me a while to post it. It must be this heat wave we are having, its short circuiting my brain. Today, was a nice break. I think we only got up to 30 degrees. Wow, its funny to say 30 is a cool break, that used to feel hot to us, until recently. I hope everyone is enjoying their summer and managing to stay cool one way or another. Last night, we had a great time with great friends swimming in Mom and Dad's pool. We had fun splashing around, teaching the kids diving and somersaults, all the while cooling ourselves down from the heat. If you have a pool handy, even if its the blowup variety, jump in!

These cards were done for my daughters friends Birthday. They are all turning 11, so thought these would be perfect. I think these Kettos from Stamping Bella, are the cutest! My favourite is the girl on the right, her name is "Tatiana". She reminds me of my daughter. She has a "boho" carefree look to her, a girl who is confident, caring and lots of fun. The girl on the left is named "Maisy", she is ethereal, angelic, so sweet and shy. She makes me want to protect her and hold her. Its funny how these stamps come to life to me. I do realize they are only stamps, but I truly believe they help to really personalize the cards for their intended recipient. Every time I go into my favourite stamp store I head to the Bella's and check out which new ones I want to purchase. Emily at Stamping Bella, just launched a new line named "lulu". Very cute girls, with an Asian flair. If you want to check out her site its Hope you all have a wonderfull night. Ta Ta for Now!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Summer Birthdays

Hope everyone is enjoying our beautifull BC Summer Weather. We have finally set up the pool and the kids have been swimming all day. I am trying to clean my house, the seeming impossible task that it is, especially in the summertime. That saying about not shovelling the sidewalk before it stops snowing comes to mind. So are you not supposed the clean the house until the kids move out, not sure thats what it means.

Anyways, we have (2) Boy Birthdays coming up soon. I seem to struggle with the masculine cards so I thought I would start early. It seems I have to be in just the right mood, for the creativity to flow. Well I don't know how well it flowed, but this is what I came up with. I really like this owl, he (I'm pretty sure he's a boy) is from Whipper Snapper Stamp Company. I really love their designs, they really stand out with the Copic Markers. I myself do not stand out well with Copic Markers. I have taken a few classes, but not my forte. So I used Stampin Up's markers and tried to do my own shading. I figure owls live in the wild, therefore should have wild fur, afterall when was the last time you saw an owl sitting in a tree brushing his hair. The colors I used are Stampin ups, Ballet Blue, So Saffron, Chocolate Chip, and Old Olive. I really wanted to add Orange to this card, but it seemed to busy so I made his beak orange. I have another Boy Birthday card to make, so I have another shot to incorporate Orange and Blue with a Little Chocolate on the side. Sounds Yummy.

Anyways Thanks for looking, and Have a great evening.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Here goes my 1st post Ever! Somehow I thought this whole process would be simpler. Everyone blogs, you must just be able to sign up and they will walk you through the whole process. What I learned is, it is easy, once you know how. And once you figure it out, it all makes sense. I am so glad to have figured it out, well at least this much anyway. I am sure there will be many more evenings of quiet resolve, trying intently to get my banner loaded, or uploading images, or adding boxes. But in each little piece I add, I achieve and triumph over you little computer.

I started this blog so I could add photos of cards I have been working on, a way of archiving each one. I thought this way my customers could see the latest additions, as well as give them reference for ordering. Feel free to email me to customize your cards, after all that is the beauty of handcrafted cards. I can match the card to your packaging, the person, or their hobbies.

The above photo is called Patricia Birthday Cake. She is from Stamping Bella, I just love her stamps and designs. The cardstock is from Stampin Up, it is Red Riding Hood, Baja Breeze, and Chocolate Chip with the Ski Slope DP and Baja Breeze ribbon.

Anyways thanks for taking the time to visit my blog, boy I guess I better start telling people I have a blog. Till next time.
