Thursday, January 21, 2010

Missing January Post

January is such a nice break from November and December.  I love the downtime, that makes it possible to catch up on all the little projects that we just don't have time to do in the later part of the year.  I've noticed amongst family and friends, we all seem to be in organization mode.  This is my favourite mode!  I love the shopping and especially the planning when it comes to organization.  Every year, there seems to be new gadgets that promise to make us on time and help us with even the most minute detail in our lives.  Some of us will be going through our kids closets and purging items we no longer need, in our quest to live simplistic lives in a world filled with excesses.  Now is the time to paint that kitchen or finish that renovation in the basement.  Organize our pantrys, closets, sheds, anything we can get our hands on.  This is really our renewal, our fresh start to a new year.   I love January, and I am looking forward to this year and all that comes with it.  Happy New Year Everyone!

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