Thursday, October 22, 2009

Our 1st Christmas Cards of the Year!

These our from our Monday night Stampin up Group.   I can't take credit for the designs, all I did was put them together.  Our Beautifull and wonderfully talented pusher... I mean Stampin up Lady did a tremendous amount of work, I believe she cut for 240 cards.  Wow, we owe her big time.  It was a great night, and I think they all turned out well.  We used the Holiday Lounge paper, with Ruby Red, Sahara Sand, Taken with Teal and White for the top (2) photos.  The bottom photo used Kraft and the new Soft Suede.  All with the Delightfull Decorations stamp set.  Thanks for such a great night, you are the best.  We love you.

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