Monday, January 3, 2011

Where Did 2010 G0?

Well Goodmorning Everyone! Its been almost a whole year since I posted on this blog.  Where did it go?  My Mom always said that time sped up the older you got, well I am in denial about the older part, so I will just go with the older our kids get.  I remember when our kids were babies, and it seemed that there just wasn't enough hours in the day to get everything done, and it was very true.  Well, the only difference when your kids are pre-teens, is now you are juggling their lives, our lives, work, home, friends, parents, school.. etc...  Life really does fly by!  This year we managed to take some time in our busy lives to spend time doing what is really important to us, connecting with our family.  In May we took a family holiday to Hawaii, and had the time of our lives.  I really could live there.  I wonder what my life would have been like had I been born there, as was almost the case.  You see, my Dad was offered a job in Hawaii in 1971 for a year.  My Mom and Dad declined the offer, as at the time my Mom just couldn't see herself living that far away from her family.  She and my Dad were married in 1969 and moved about 7 minutes away from her Mom and Dad, so she just couldn't do it.  Hawaii is an amazing place, I love the climate, the ocean, the breeze, the people, the food and the laid back way of life.  My kids enjoyed everything about Hawaii, the Garden State  as well, and ask everyday if we are going back this year.  I would love to say "Yes" but for now the answer is "We will see."  In less than 2 weeks we are heading off on a Carribean Cruise the Hubby, myself and our greatest friends.  We are looking forward to spending some great times with the best of friends and making many  happy Memories.  You see for me travel is what life is about.  If I won the lottery, the only thing I could imagine changing would be location.  I have never been a homebody, and even though I love my house and kids and having family friends around, I love to wander.  Whether its in Stores, distant Countries, Nearest Countries anywhere.  I just love to be out and about and experiencing New things.  I think our kids are the same, and Darrin, well he has travelling down pat.  Our Children are the best when we travel.  They have fun, we laugh so much and enjoy just being together.  I believe we learn more about ourselves, as well as others.  Schedules go out the window, and we just enjoy going with the flow.  I am looking forward to many more adventures to come, both with my Best Friend and Husband and our Children.  We truly are lucky.  I am so gratefull for the family and friends we have.  Happy New Year Everyone!

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