Sunday, August 30, 2009

Summer Fun

This is a card I did up for a summer Birthday Party, that was held at the Port Kells Pool.   I fell in love with this guy, he is Pool guy by Stampendous Stamps in there Changito line.  Changito is a busy guy, he golfs, barbecues, scuba dives, he is well loved and has many friends.  With my daughters birthday in the summer, I thought he would be a great addition to my stamp collection.  They need to come out with a bmxing Changito, or Skateboarding, some cool boy sports would be great.  Its not easy to find pre-teen boy stamps.  Usually they are quite cutesy and not at all "Cool".   So a word of advice to stamp companies, half the population are "Boys", and we would love to see all the Sports in Stamps.  Hockey, Snowboarding, the Luge, Soccer, Football, Rugby, Canoing, Camping (its a sport isn't it?), I could go on and on. That alone would keep the stamp companies busy.  I wonder what it takes to design stamps and market them.  Those of you who know me, know that an artist I am not.  However, I do believe that I could sketch out some ideas to get the idea across as to the end result of the stamp.  Anyways, something to think about.Today we are off to a barbecue at my Aunt and Uncles Farm, to enjoy the last official week of summer.  Lots of Good Food, Great company and Fabulous Wine.  Hope you are all having a great day.  TTYL!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Weddings are Beautifull

This card was done for the new Mr. and Mrs. Stanley, Trevor and Amy, who were married in Innisfail on August 8th, 2009. The wedding was beautiful, and it was evident they are so in love. I wish them a long and wonderful marriage, and feel so lucky to have them in our family. I wish they lived closer to us. Its funny how sometimes you meet someone and feel as though you have known them forever. That's how I felt about Amy the 1st time I met her. She is an incredible woman. In spite of being so Happy for them, we will miss them greatly, as they are moving to Nova Scotia to be closer to Amy's parents and a new job. Amy is leaving on September 1st with the boys, and Trevor will follow the end of September. We wish you well, and hope to come visit you in beautifull Nova Scotia soon.